
Resonant Earthworks in the Brazilian Amazon

Strange Geoglyphs Discovered Beneath Clearcut Amazon

by Stephen Messenger for Treehugger.com
December 28, 2009

Because they are difficult to see from the ground, most geoglyphs went unnoticed by locals.

With the aid of satellite imagery from Google Earth, soon archeologists in Brazil will be finding more and more large geometric designs carved into the ground in the Amazon rainforest. The geoglyphs are believed to have been sculpted by ancient people from the Amazon region around 700 years ago, though their purpose is still unknown. So far, nearly 300 geoglyphs have been identified, but with advances in satellite imaging--and increased clearing of the jungle coverage--scientists are hoping to discover many more of these strange, geometric designs.

One of the factors that contributed to so many geoglyphs being undetected prior to the aid of satallites is their enormous size. According to leading geoglyph scientist Alceu Ranzi, his latest discoveries--five sets of geometric shapes, with circles, squares and lines--can measure more than a mile from one extreme to another.

You do not see them in field. There is a difference in the color of grass but is very thin. If there were no satellite images, there would be no possibility [of making these new discoveries].

Because they've been so hard to find, the first geoglyphs weren't discovered until the 1970s. Since then, scientists have been trying to piece together what significance they may have had to ancient Amazonians. What ever the purpose may have been, there's one thing that is certain: the ancient civilizations of the rainforest were more numerous and sophisticated than previously imagined.

According to a report from Globo, the new marks were only discovered because the jungle coverage had been removed to due to deforestation in the Amazon. These structures are deep, with grooves are as large as 12 meters wide and four deep, but it is believed that they were built when jungle abounded--which would make their construction all the more difficult.

Ranzi seems open to other possibilities: Was it really forest [when the drawings were built] or did they occupy this area at a time of climate crisis, like that of 2005?

The world may never know what drove these ancient civilizations to carve the enormous geoglyphs, like the ones found recently using Google Earth. But, if it takes more clear-cutting in the Amazon rainforest to find out the answer, hopefully it will always remain a mystery.


The research shared at this site provides the ancient ayurvedic knowledge of infrasound standing waves, known as the akashic field, which elucidates the advanced cultural significance and piezoelectric function of earthworks worldwide. The piezoelectric clays of the earthworks contain quartz sand which transduces the infrasound standing waves focused onto the area by global geopositioning.

The geomteric configuration of the square, the circle and linear alignments are expressed throughout the earthworks of the Amazon, which can be mapped within the infrasound resonance structures once their exact geopositions have been identified within the rainforst area which covers the entire region aound 25% of the Earth's mean circumference from the Orion pyramids of Giza, Egypt. The earthworks were designed by ancient Amazonians to transduce the electromagnetic energy of the Great Pyramid through an infrasonic resonance that increases in surges as we approach the magnetic reversal of December 22, 2012.