Resonance in the Cardiovascular System
Exact Atomic Mass Recombinations of Blood Metal Isotopes
by Alex Putney for
June 25, 2014
Resonant nuclear interactions of matter form the basis of life throughout the vast reaches of the cosmos, and warm-blooded beings similar to mammals on Earth likely inhabit innumerable galaxies by exploiting tuned nuclear reactions releasing photon cascades by multiple resonant metal conversions near 37.8°C.
This unmistakable pattern of phonon resonance conversions demonstrated between the predominant metals within red blood directly reveals the primary fundamental principle within the universal isotopic architecture of all matter that enables all living organisms to maintain excited states for coherent electro-photonic field communication. These remarkable conclusions offer the only comprehensive explanation for the observed natural isotopic order and the precision temperature regulation of living organisms.
Resonant nuclear reaction cascades excited in healthy red blood cells follow distinct recombination regimes that help promote crucial balances among the blood metals. These regimes are only now being identified by comprehensive calculation sets accounting for the atomic mass recombinations of a wide variety of metal isotopes present in human blood, including zinc, copper, nickel, cobalt, iron, manganese, chromium, vanadium, selenium, arsenic, calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium (below).
On the whole, these nuclear conversion patterns consistently display atomic mass variances near --0.01u, confirming the precisely modular mass relationships of the elements, and the special role of hydrogen in the perpetual dance of resonant transmutation. Biophotonic studies of whole blood have revealed that eurythrocytes do not display ultra-weak photon emission, unlike the majority of cells in the human body.
The largest arteries and veins that cycle blood to the arms arch upwards from the heart (above), reflecting the sacred structure of standing waves closely associated with heartbeat sychronization ceremonies throughout indigenous traditions the world over. Broad standing wave patterns cover the chest among traditional Igorot mens' tattoo designs from the Phillipine Islands (below), and are also witnessed as the dominant chest pattern among Australian Aboriginal body painting styles from various regions.
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