
Resonance in Paleo-Sanskrit texts

10,000-Year-Old Inscriptions on the Golebiewo Antler Translated as Paleo-Sanskrit Script

by Alex Putney
December 29, 2017

Archeological excavations of Paleolithic deposits in Golebiewo, Poland have uncovered a simple tool carved from reindeer antler that has been radiocarbon dated to ~10,000 years old. The inscribed antler was a spear straightener, used to make precise bends in heated wood shafts for making throwing spears.

Distinct geometric language markings engraved along the length of the tool have inexplicably been called "decorative designs" by archeologists who decline to engage the obvious: that they are linguistic signs.

The geometric hieroglyphs can be easily recognized and translated as Paleo-Sanskrit script, according to the original Paleo-Sanskrit decipherment of Professor K. Schildmann. Schildmann's breakthrough epigraphic work offers a concise decryption of the engraved text, based on his knowledge of Mayan, Egyptian and Sumerian hieroglyphic scripts:

A series of linear marks present the appearance of a row of pyramids on a level ground-plane, reading: as ris kar as ris kar , meaning "For dwindling works, for dwindling works..." (above).

This statement makes reference to the works of the world's pyramid network for vitalizing and healing the human body through bioelectrical effects. The "dwindling" state of infrasound planetary resonance was a spiritual lament that was commonly restated by Paleo-Sanskrit texts from all parts of the world.

A fragmented ceramic model pyramid recovered by a farmer during the ploughing of his fields in the vicinity of the Visoko Pyramids of Bosnia. A virtually identical Paleo-Sanskrit text has been translated on this small pyramidal artifact from Bosnia, reading: as ris kar as ris kar , meaning "For dwindling works, for dwindling works..." (below).

Very similar Paleo-Sanskrit texts offering votive laments have been discovered by this author during excavations of the Ohum Pyramid Complex of La Maná and La Envidia, Ecuador, conducted over the last several years.

At the Hummingbird Pyramid, located exactly along the 1° South latitude, thick fragments of giant earthenware jars were recovered from atop the structure. One particular ceramic fragment was engraved with a comparable Paleo-Sanskrit phrase, reading: ris ris kar ris adhi-as ris-adhi-as ris , meaning "Dwindling, dwindling works, dwindling for delivering, dwindling for delivering..." (above).

The unmistakable consistency of the geometric figures of the Paleo-Sanskrit script, as well as the references to the diminution of infrasonic resonance transduced by the world's pyramids, provide incontravertible evidence for the global continuity of the Atlanean civilization during the Paleolithic Era.

Copyright 2017 Alexander R. Putney