
Resonance in Exoplanetary Hybridization

The Nephilim Giants & Paracas Hybrids

by Alex Putney for Human-Resonance.org
August 13, 2015

Humanoid species of truly immense proportions still walk remote regions of the Earth today, just as they have for many thousands of years. This reality is readily dismissed by Westerners, yet remains common knowledge in many regions of the world where the largest populations of giants are most active.

While the only publicly available photographs of living giants document the North American sasquatch, other giant humanoid species that more closely resemble Caucasian humans also inhabit subterranean cavern systems, hidden away from human populations. Spanish chroniclers of the 'New World' conquest reported light-haired, light-skinned giants occupying various lands. Giant kings that once ruled throughout present-day Peru wore massive tunics woven from fine gold and silver thread no Earth human can don:

The actual mummified head of the crowned king... is almost twice as large as my own and I wear the largest hat of anyone in my acquaintance... The gold was impressive, but the size of the man was something more impressive than gold.

The golden tunic that hung on the wall was made of spun gold. This was the first time in my life I had seen gold woven into a fabric for clothing. The tunic was over eight feet tall and tailored in such a way as to suggest that it was not intended to drag on the floor behind a king, but rather to hang straight down to the floor and no further. That made the tunic itself a measuring device for the original height of the giant king. It was shocking to imagine... the shear weight of the garment.

The golden necklace at the foot of the tunic would have hung to the floor around the neck of anyone I know... There was also a set of golden gloves whose hands and fingers extended from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger about twelve to fourteen inches... [T]his gold museum is private and not open to the public.

Hoarding of archeological remains of giant Inka kings and their giant gold and silver tunics in private museums in Lima, Peru is an activity of wealthy, corrupt government officials; actively concealing the artifacts and preventing their study by geneticists, all the while profiting from their private display and sale.

In fact, government disinformation agents like Brien Foerster, working in Paracas, Peru, refuse to analyze entire giant skeletons or provide any height estimates for this oversized humanoid species, and supposedly rely on an anonymous government-contracted geneticist who only releases vague preliminary results while indefinitely delaying the study, misinforming us that the Paracas giants are not hybrids. Wrong!

Mr. Juan Navarro, owner and director of the local museum, called the Paracas History Museum, which houses a collection of 35 of the Paracas skulls, allowed the taking of samples from 5 of the skulls. The samples consisted of hair, including roots, a tooth, skull bone and skin, and this process was carefully documented via photos and video. The samples were sent to the late Lloyd Pye, founder of the Starchild Project, who delivered the samples to a geneticist in Texas for DNA testing... Brien Foerster... has revealed the preliminary results of the analysis...:

It had mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far. But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans.

Those unfamiliar with the complexities of interspecies hybridization characteristics expressed in the sasquatch genome may be easily mislead by the statements of 'Mr. Anonymous' government geneticist, which amount to saying "I found some SNPs on the mtDNA". Many sasquatch hybrids have been shown to have human female mtDNA profiles with multiple SNPs, yet the nuDNA results confirmed they are hybrids.

Comprehensive analysis of giant skeletal remains from a multitude of ancient sites, based on height and physiognomy, points directly to the hypothesis that the Paracas giants are artificially engineered interspecies hybrids closely mirroring the complex global dynamics of the sasquatch case. Human female surrogate mothers from all continents were artificially impregnated with nephilim semen, belonging to 11-14'-tall giants such as a Mexican specimen with extreme vertical elongation. The 7-9'-tall nephilim hybrid species is exemplified by a giant infant mummy excavated near Andahuaylillas, Peru (below).

Textile patterns from the Andes are replete with images of zigzags, sine waves and helices --complex and accurate depictions of three-dimensional molecular structures only recently discovered by modern scientists. The sanctity of the double helix is well noted by Amazonian cultures known for their use of Ayahuasca, a psychotropic mixture based on a helically growing vine used to engage the spirit world.

To interpret these symbolic images as abstractions is to deny the obvious and overwhelming demonstration of the advanced ancient knowledge of the seat of the soul within each living cell, now referred to so clinically as DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid. The adeptly woven helical representations are stunningly familiar to us, their illusion of depth entrancing. The double serpent motif is repeatedly represented in the textiles of the Chiribaya mummies, found buried near the coastal town of Ilo, Peru, and now preserved at the Muséo Algarrobal through the work of S. Guillen and the Centro Mallqui.

The DNA helix is three-dimensionally described on a woven bag (above, left) in three vertical bands amid a checkerboard pattern suggestive of information encoding. A Chancay folding cloth (above, right) depicts the base pairing of DNA as a cross between four boxes, in four vertical columns that are broken in the center by an irregular banding surprisingly reminiscent of the banding made by modern analyses of DNA using Agarose Gel Electrophoresis. A Chiribaya folding cloth from Ilo, Peru (below, left) depicts two-headed DNA serpents in mirrored vertical rows, each serpent with four dots paired with lines, like the four base nucleotide components Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine and Thymine.

A large ceremonial outfit from the Tiwanaku culture (below, right) depicts mirror-image twins holding serpent staffs and severed heads, dramatic symbols addressed later in detail. Above each twin is a set of four building blocks depicted in three-dimensional depth, such that the interlocking blocks combine in two pairs, just as Adenine only pairs with Guanine and Cytosine exclusively with Thymine. The garment actually contains a detailed technical image of nucleotide base pairing possibilities in the context of the helical metaphor of serpent twins! Constant shifting in the structure of DNA have been reported in recent studies of induced emotional states that become instantly expressed in the winding or unwinding of the helix itself. Peaceful emotional states promote DNA relaxation while fear promotes constriction of DNA by winding up. Calm, unwound DNA strands form straight ladders, depicted as snake staffs held by the twins of the Tiwanaku.

The complex woven designs of ancient Andean cultures provide the key to penetrating their deep understanding of the invisible energy interactions that endow consciousness. The ancient awareness of the DNA blueprint informs the cultural practice of preservation of the DNA records in the soft tissues of the dead, as well as the practice of cranial augmentation. These textiles were themselves preserved as possessions of the dead accompanying the mummified flesh and bones, their own DNA also preserved by the processes employed. The presence of the preserved ancient DNA and the repeated woven depictions of DNA together directly asserts the purpose of ancient Andean mummification to have been the preservation of DNA and elongated crania --as evidence of consciousness enhancement achieved.

Once considered abstract imagery, these artworks must now be recognized as encoding the structure of sound waves and the helical DNA receptors within all cells. The Chinchorro culture's whistles were likely played in groups of complementary tones, perhaps being tuned within a narrow range in specific social groups. The nomadic lifestyle of the sea-faring Chinchorro is reflected in their simple durable psychoacoustic whistles, stone implements also likely used practically in food preparation and ochre grinding.

Their boats were constructed from tied and woven reed bundles, simply designed for the harvesting of ocean fish species. The early mariners' boats have not been preserved, yet the Andean tied-reed canoe design likely carried these migrants from Asia. In fact, genetic studies of the Chinchorro mummies have shown their ancestral origin to be thousands of miles away from their burial sites in the sands of the Atacama. The presence of Chagas disease in the Chinchorro mummies and in modern populations of the Andes and Japan provides a genetic link revealing the distant origin of these ancient pacific coastal migrants and their advanced knowledge of the DNA molecule.

Stone head cradles found buried with the mummified remains of individuals with elongated crania have been mistaken for similar food grinding bowls, yet can now be fully understood as part of the sound wave focusing system responsible for cranial augmentation. Evidence supporting this new hypothesis is later discussed in the context of finds from La Maná, Ecuador, where an identically formed granite head cradle was discovered among many other advanced bi-frequency instruments. A most unusual Chiribaya skull (above) displays very odd features --large ocular cavities, protrusions of the zygomatic bones at the temples and an extremely long nose with an extra nasal bone.

This combination of highly unusual features is also seen in 11' tall giants from cave sites in Mexico and the United States. The cranial characteristics and enormous size of these individuals suggest they belong to a separate species of humanoid whose origins remain unknown, having been the subject of the myriad legends of giants from around the world and depicted in giant statuary on Easter Island.

Unmistakable similarities can be observed in the forms of an artificially elongated skull from a cave find at an undisclosed site in Mexico (above, left), with hooked protrusions at the temples, a very square, protruding lower jaw with no chin, narrow eye sockets and huge nose with an extra nasal bone not found in humans. The extreme vertical elongation is made even more pronounced by the miniscule occipital portion of the skull that extends only marginally beyond the mastoid processes.

The distinctive facial architecture of this giant humanoid species may have inspired the giant Moai statues of Rapa Nui, also known as Easter Island, that bare the same giant stature, giant noses, square jaws and vertical crania. The genetic make-up of this giant humanoid species will eventually be revealed by DNA retrieved from organic residue in the bones, inevitably exposing any mixing with human populations.

While governments all around the world have blocked the release of DNA results from these giant skulls, Biblical names clearly relate the extraterrestrial origin of this giant humanoid species. The Hebrew word 'nephilim' means "the fallen ones", which many correctly interpret as those fallen from the heavens above.

A more appropriate scientific name for this foreign species of giant 'Lords', also called the 'Sons of God', might employ the Biblical Hebrew name 'Anak' meaning "oppression", or Homo anaki. An appropriate corresponding denomination for the 7-9' giant-human hybrid species would be Homo sapiens anaki.

The Atlantean origin of the Moai statues was revealed by excavations conducted decades ago, exposing their buried portions include bodies with stylized hands similar to those at Göbekli Tepe, Turkey. Paleo-Sanskrit hieroglyphic text inscriptions were discovered on the backs of the Moai, reading: * adhi * ra raua adhi su-us , meaning "The One delivering..., the One granting roaring delivering whirring" (above).

A series of psychic readings given by trance medium Edgar Cayce over the course of decades concerning the giants of Atlantis relates their great stature was used to control human populations in all parts of the world prior to 13,000 years ago. Interesting details regarding the nephilim giants and midgets was offered in a past life reading given by Cayce on April 29, 1932 (Reading 364-11):

Q: Please give a few details regarding the physiognomy, habits, customs and costumes of the people of Atlantis...

A: These took on many sizes as to stature, from that as may be called the midget to the giants --for there were giants in the earth in those days, men as tall as (what would be termed today) ten to twelve feet in stature, and in proportion --well proportioned throughout.

The oppressive social order imposed by the giants in the Atlantean era extended to various regions of the world, according to a trance reading by Cayce conducted on November 27, 1936 (Reading 1298-1):

Before this [incarnation] (among those appearances that have an influence in the present) we find the entity was in the land of its present nativity, in what is now known as the southernmost portion --or in Florida; during those periods when there were those settlings from the Yucatan, from the lands of On or the Inca, from the Norse land, when there were the beginners of the Mound Builders and those that gathered upon what is now the east portion of Alabama and Florida --though it was quite different then in its structure, outwardly.

The entity's sojourns then were with those of a race of unusual height, unusual proportions to what might be termed in the present. For they were then the lords of the land, as would be termed, that issued to the other lands, the other environs about same, the instructions for their moral, their religious, their penal codes.

Then the entity was among those that were the more lenient in that lording; for the entity sought rather to bring that activity, that development where all under the Lord --as law-- are one.

Total control of moral, religious and penal codes for all human activities across every continent is a goal we see manifesting in the present phase of the collapse of 'modern' civilization that is also rotten within. Genetic traces of the giant, domineering nephilim people contributes to the low occurrence of gigantism in modern human populations that are seen worldwide. Interspecies hybridization most likely accounts for the unusual cranial structures of the Ostrogoths (below) and many other ancient groups.

In the Congo of Central Africa, the Mangbetu people appear to have preserved nephilim genes in greater proportion than most haplogroups, along with intact cultural traditions of head-binding, inherited from the giants and practiced well into the 1950s, allowing the technique to be observed and photographically documented. Pressure from restricted blood flow to the brain causes hydrocephaly among infants, causing a visible puffiness of the eyes that remains a lifelong facial characteristic (below).

Traditional wood totem carvings from indigenous cultures of the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea closely resemble the giant Moai basalt figures of Rapa Nui, yet provide greater detail of the giant species' unusual facial characteristics, that include vertical cranial elongation, with very long nasal structures and the distinctive appearance of puffy eyes that matches the well known effects of head-shaping techniques.

The very same type of head-shaping was common in the Near East from ~9,000-7,000bp, most notably seen among members of the Ubaid culture excavated at sites in present-day Syria, the remnants of which are now being destroyed by armed conflict throughout the region. The Chachapoyas statues of the Peruvian Andes depict the same vertically elongations, containing mummified remains of a very tall, light-skinned race now recognized as a warrior class of nephilim hybrids ranging in size from 7-9' in height.

Beyond the many examples of giant humanoid skeletal remains that have not been characterized by a single genomic analysis, unmistakable supporting physical evidence for the presents of giant humanoids on Earth in the recent past is abundant. Giant stone handaxes were recently recovered from Africa's Kalahari Desert, preserved in the dry basin of Lake Makgadikgadi for thousands of years (below).

Other documented examples of giant axes that no human beings can wield includes a massive solid copper axehead from the Hopewell cultural site of Seip Mound, Ohio, excavated with giant skeletons subsequently confiscated by the Smithsonian Institute:

It was made of solid copper and weighed 17.7kg, 39 pounds. The object was 61cm long, 10cm wide and varied from 2 to 4.5cm in thickness. It was the largest copper artifact ever recorded... It is too heavy for a man to handle efficiently and when hafted... remains non-functional.

Impressive examples were collected at Swan Lake, in present-day Manitoba, Canada, and in the UK, where archeological excavations in Cuxton, Kent and Sheringham, Norfolk have also turned up giant stone axeheads. The most impressive example is a refined biface blade likely produced by the Olmec culture of present-day Mexico, showing the fine work of human hands, yet made for the giants (below).

When questioned by Spanish chroniclers during the conquest, Aztec Elders stated the original builders of the Teotihuacan complex were light-skinned giants, whom they identified as cannibals who ate raw human flesh, having driven the Nahuatl peoples out of their territories before being exterminated in later times.

The presence and social influence of nephilim genes in human populations is being actively hidden by all governments of the world, desperately obfuscating the reality of exoplanetary genetic manipulation.

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From the book Baal Hybrids

Copyright 2015 Alexander Putney