Resonant HHO Plasma Flash Generated the Turin Shroud Markings
by David Wilkes for the Daily Mail
December 21, 2011
The image on the Turin Shroud could not be the work of medieval forgers but was instead caused by a supernatural 'flash of light', according to scientists.
Italian researchers have found evidence that casts doubt on claims that the relic - said to be the burial cloth of Jesus - is a fake and they suggest that it could, after all, be authentic. Sceptics have long argued that the shroud, a rectangular sheet measuring about 14ft by 3ft, is a forgery dating to medieval times.
Scientists from Italy's National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development spent years trying to replicate the shroud's markings.
They have concluded only something akin to ultraviolet lasers - far beyond the capability of medieval forgers - could have created them. This has led to fresh suggestions that the imprint was indeed created by a huge burst of energy accompanying the Resurrection of Christ.
'The results show a short and intense burst of UV directional radiation can colour a linen cloth so as to reproduce many of the peculiar characteristics of the body image on the Shroud of Turin,' the scientists said.
The image of the bearded man on the shroud must therefore have been created by 'some form of electromagnetic energy (such as a flash of light at short wavelength)', their report concludes. But it stops short of offering a non-scientific explanation.
Professor Paolo Di Lazzaro, who led the study, said: 'When one talks about a flash of light being able to colour a piece of linen in the same way as the shroud, discussion inevitably touches on things such as miracles.'
'But as scientists, we were concerned only with verifiable scientific processes. We hope our results can open up a philosophical and theological debate.'
For centuries, people have argued about the authenticity of the shroud, which is kept in a climate-controlled case in Turin cathedral. One of the most controversial relics in the Christian world, it bears the faint image of a man whose body appears to have nail wounds to the wrists and feet...
The remarkable findings of this Italian research team concerning the Turin Shroud echo the conclusions of other investigations by materials scientists in the field of extraterrestrial abduction. The dramatic effects of brief exposures to intense ultraviolet and infrared light have also been studied in the hyperdimensional context of the worldwide crop circle phenomenon.
The abundance of highly definitive trace evidence left in the heated soils and downed plants in crop circles show very similar characteristics as the traces on slightly singed cloth from both the Turin Shroud and the Urandir Oliveira extraterrestrial contact case from Corguinho, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
All of these physical traces point directly to the fact of an intense and precisely controlled heat being released, only very briefly - in mere seconds - as water vapor is electrified to become HHO plasma, emitting infrared and ultraviolet light.
The quantum physics of superfluid plasma beams are now well studies in Earthly laboratories, and perfectly resolves the mystery that so few physical scientists have been able to unravel. The following is an excerpt (pp.130-135, 145-146) from my free eBook 'Lightwater' (2010), detailing all of the relevant findings in the Urandir Oliveira contact case, along with my own conclusions:
[An interview] by Linda Moulton Howe (with translation by Didier and Felipe Branco) explored the many intriguing details of Urandir's plasma beam transport and transdimensional experiences aboard a plasma ship for three whole days, from February 15-18, 2002:
He (Urandir) was very anxious because for three days already he was expecting to be abducted, and there were only three hours left to the time the beings told him he would be abducted. (...10:00pm). He tried to prepare himself, so he went home and took a shower and put his shorts on and laid down on the bed. He picked up a book and tried to relax. A few minutes later, he realized a flash in the room. Then he felt his body like a fever warming up.
Q: What was the color of that flash?
The flash was sort of a light purple, or violet... [lit up] the whole room and then was condensing in the form of a tube that included the bed and himself all the way from the bottom of the floor to the ceiling... [The HHO plasma beam photo below is genuine, but from a seperate case, in England (Carl Rofe).]
The book was in his right hand (extended in the air beyond the right edge of the bed) and when the light flashed, eventually he released the book. The book fell from his hand. And he felt sort of a paralyzing [effect]. He could not move. He really felt this fever in his body and his body on the bed. He felt his body warmer on the bed.
Q: When you look at those sheets and that ceiling, you would think you would feel pain (from the burn)?
Yes, because it leaves the impression that something burned someone there. But knowing in advance already the beam process of abduction (from earlier encounters), he knew it was not going to be painful at all...
The many fascinating aspects of the plasma beam transport of Urandir Oliveira on September 15, 2002 provide a wealth of information for the study of fourth-density technology. While such vivid descriptions of violet fog and levitation in luminous beams have been shared by many contactees over the last decades, none of those accounts were accompanied by accurate scientific descriptions of the entire experience. Urandir's case is a gift to Earthly science, in that he provides detailed scientific explanations for physical trace evidence in the form of textile samples with plasma-induced molecular alterations that can be studied by physicists for potential replication by all known means.
Previously obtained evidence of transdimensional plasma phenomena subjected to rigorous scientific analyses has been limited to downed plants from crop circle formations. The rapid heating of water contained within the effected plants by microwaves causes expulsion cavities in the nodes of the stalks as water is forced out by high-pressure. Video of plasma balls forming these marvelous geometric mandalas in the crops confirms their formation by the microwave emissions of airborne HHO plasma spheres that are themselves natural elemental beings giving mathematical lessons to Earthly humanity.
Scientists have confirmed through various means that the microwave radiation responsible for the many geometric crop formations of non-human origin must have been delivered in a very brief period of time, perhaps involving an exposure of under 7 seconds. This is exactly the conclusion that must be drawn from analyses of the scorched bed sheet evidence presented in the Oliveira contact case (above). Urandir experienced no pain during the plasma beam transport, as the beam technologies employed are completely safe and biocompatible, normally leaving no detectable trace of its use whatsoever.
Recently applied as a dental torch, helium/oxygen plasma is safely maintained near room temperatures by use of nanosecond electrical pulses, causing only a few degrees of heating in tooth enamel and gum tissues while vaporizing plaque and sterilizing oral films of bacteria in seconds. During Urandir's beam transport, the air the room was infused from above with HHO gas bearing gold and silver nanoparticles and rapidly ionized by infrared light followed by nanosecond electrical pulses to form HHO plasma near room temperature, which became concentrated within the beam's vertical column. The paralysis experienced by Urandir is electronically controlled by automated computers in the plasma ship above, as pulses from rotating green lasers within the plasma column created differential forces within the superfluid beam to levitate his body off the bed. The scorching of the bed sheet and pillowcase was then purposefully executed by a very brief heating of the plasma field closely surrounding Urandir's body just above the bed, before continuing with the strangely silent levitation process.
All matter within the fourth-density HHO plasma beam undergoes an atomic synchronization and expansion that allows complete interpenetration of objects without interference, whereby Urandir's body was brought directly through the ceiling toward the craft. He describes being rotated into a vertical position after having passed through the roof, allowing him to see all of the activity going on below. Urandir's description of enhanced vision and hearing inside the plasma beam column is a result of the fourth-density awareness endowed by immersion of the human body in a superconductive state where the holographic aspect of consciousness becomes reunified with the eternity. The bright white light that Urandir describes as emanating from the electroluminescent metal hulls of plasma ships also radiates from the craft's interior walls, which electrify the interior chambers with the same biocompatibly tuned HHO plasma concentrated within the beam transport tube emanating both ultraviolet-A and infrared light...
The invisible bionanotechnological aspects of the lightwater that Urandir drank and absorbed through his skin during his extraterrestrial experiences were not discussed, yet comprise a significant factor in the formation of the HHO plasma that preserves both spacecraft and passengers. Biocompatible gold and silver nanoparticles of less than 10nm in size provide for remarkable optical characteristics, by transducing red and blue light inside all the bodies cells for the activation of DNA as an organic superconductor. This effect cannot occur without the ingestion of these trace metals.
Physicists on Earth have now begun to apply the atomic implosion process of hydrogen for the transduction of free energy from the resonant field of infrasound standing waves enveloping the planet, using HHO plasma reactors that contain tungsten power and catalysts that are not biocompatible (above, left). For direct application to the human body, gold and silver nanoparticles and dissolved potassium are essential... [Linda Moulton Howe conducted the following interview regarding the Oliveira bed sheet samples analysis.]
[A]nalytical chemist Phyllis A. Budinger [explained]... that the blue threads in the affected Oliveira sheet are cotton and the white are polyester. The blue and white threads are woven together throughout the sheet, but there is great variability in the body imprint from what looks like burned and charred cloth right next to cloth with only slightly darker blue discoloration that also outlines the entire body print. This is especially interesting when you consider the facts that cotton decomposes, or scorches, at about 148º Centigrade, or about 300º Fahrenheit. But polyester threads don't melt until 500ºF. There are melted, gummy threads intricately woven throughout the blue cotton threads -even in places where the cotton is not scorched, or even brown.
Interview: W. C. Levengood, Biophysicist, Pinelandia Biophysical Laboratory...: 'I've never seen anything like this. This takes a very, very high precision kind of - whatever the energy, and there had to be energy here to transform, probably at the molecular level, this because it changed the internal energy of the material. Whatever it was... [this form of energy] was extremely precise.
'I ran on to one region right at the edge of the brown material and the threads - you could actually see where they were white, normal threads, and then just a fraction of a millimeter away, they had begun to be transformed. They were glassy-looking, but you could still see the individual fibers inside. Then in another half millimeter, they were totally homogeneous into this opalescent material. So, that transition is very precise and you could see the line of demarcation if you had the incident light just at the right angle on the sample, you can see this band of change. So, the energy here is very, very precise.
'I measured the weight per unit area of a control sample. The weight of the control cloth is 17 milligrams per square centimeter. The blue region is 24% higher in weight than the control cloth. I don't think anything was added. It means the energy has changed the density of the polyethylene and to change density means you have to change the molecular structure. There is some incredible technology [being applied] here...
Q: This is a photomicrograph of a sample of the body pattern on the Urandir bed that was not scorched, but almost looks wet... [seen below, center.] But in fact that wet look has been caused by a change in the polyester?
It sure has. These I call a transition, or the polyester is converted into what I call vitreous fibers. It looks wet, but this is actually sort of an opalescent liquid-looking, but it's like a plastic, very hard.
Q: We know that polyester... has a melting temperature of 500°F and that cotton has a scorch temperature of 300°F. The difference of 200°F in this photograph alone is baffling because it looks as if the polyester threads have been melted and the blue cotton threads seem completely untouched.
That's right. And that difference of 200°F -that's the astounding thing. The cotton threads are totally undisturbed.
Levengood's biophysical analyses of microwave-radiated plants from crop formations form the only precedent for the study of material evidence of aerial plasma beam phenomena. Further analyses of the Corguinho bed sheet were undertaken by Professor Herbert J. Barndt, Director of the Grundy Testing Laboratory of the School of Textiles and Materials Technology at Philadelphia University. In an interview by Linda Moulton Howe in May of 2003, Professor Barndt stated that the delicate burn pattern on Urandir Oliveira's bed sheet must have been made with laser-like precision in mere seconds of exposure:
Q: Could you explain a little bit about the possible importance that water might have played - both from having taken a shower and perspiration when this individual laid down?
Well, when cotton gets wet, moisture actually goes into the fiber. In other words it's inside the fiber, as well as on the surface. [In the case of] polyester, the water remains on the surface. So in the presence of a high temperature the water will evaporate from the surface of the polyester before it evaporates from the cotton, because the water is bound to the cotton fiber. So, in order to damage the cotton fiber you have to evaporate the water to get the fiber hot enough to burn. But since the polyester isn't really holding water it can absorb heat more rapidly, and that may explain why the polyester melted, and the cotton in a number of these areas wasn't particularly damaged...
Q: Does that suggest... whatever did happen to this bed sheet happened in a very quick period of time?
I would think so... especially with the temperatures that are involved and the fact that the cotton wasn't degraded more than it was. it would seem that it had to have been a very quick occurrence, whatever happened here.
Q: And we're talking in seconds, right?
I would think so... It's very unusual... You would have to have a pinpoint heat source like a laser to do that... If you have a heat source that's intense enough to melt the polyester, and still not cause intense damage to the cotton, or at least some of the cotton, it has to move fairly quickly along this pattern... [or] the whole thing [is briefly heated] all at once...
These detailed conclusions of the analyses of the bed sheet evidence from the Oliveira case point directly to a specific plasma heat source that was unknown to the 'experts', yet is derived from the most common and basic element in the Universe - hydrogen! It is now known that HHO plasma is unique in that it heats different materials to different temperatures depending on the molecular structure. An HHO plasma torch will not boil water, but instead reverts to water vapor on contact. The implosion of atomic hydrogen allows for precisely tuned interaction with the cotton and polyester threads in discreet bands of temperature change, producing the ultraviolet and infrared emissions described by Urandir as heat and violet light.
Copyright 2010-2012 Alexander Putney