Sacred Initiation of the Maya, Mexico
Magnetic Activation of the Pyramids Through the Crystal Skulls
by Hunbatz Men, Itza Mayan Elder
October 26, 2002
The mysteries of the sacred Crystal Skulls have been
recorded in the depths of time. That means that it is
almost impossible for the human beings to understand
them. This is the reason why thousands of people around
the world feel restless; they want to know why the ancient
peoples made these skulls.
Many stories have been told about these skulls and they have been made of many different
materials, but the ones made of quartz have been given more importance than all the other
ones. Some researchers claim that these skulls were made by men, but there is a Mayan
skull that was found in Lubantun, Belize, that does not seem to have been made by men.
At least, scientists have not been able to deny this belief. Even more, some of them assure
that this skull was made with the laser.
As a matter of fact, nobody really knows what these skulls were used for or where they
came from, but some scientists say that many of these crystal skulls were brought by the
aliens to be given to the spiritual teachers and that is the reason why many Crystal Skulls
have been found in many parts of the world. It is also said that the ancient initiates of all the
races of the world already worshipped these skulls in their ancient temples.
To my point of view, it does not matter who made these Crystal Skulls. What really matters
is to work with them since the crystal skull and the human being form a duality. The Crystal
Skull and the human being make up a single unit, but the main difference between them is
that the skull has more memory than us.
When all the crystal skulls of the world get together, it will be an important moment for the
human beings because the memory that has been stored in these skulls will teach us how
to recall our past lives. Currently, the modern human being does not know how to remember;
and due to this, he does not know where he comes from or where he is going. And he does
not know about his future either because he cannot remember where he came from or
where he lived his past lives exactly...
There are some impressive geometric shapes that have
been appearing in the fields of the European country of
England, but the most impressive is the one that appeared
on July 16th, 1999 in Windmill Hill, Avebury Trusloe,
Wiltshire County... As it can be seen, it is a large
circle with a square in its center. Besides, the square has
328 small circles distributed symmetrically in its interior.
The information below was published in the magazine
"Crop Circles" where Judith Moore and Barbara Lamb
wrote the following: This 'Crop Circle' is the DNA chip that
will evolve our mathematical capacity. Each one of these
circles in an infinite fractal crystalline code, and each
crystalline aspect is a fractal universe. This evolved system
is the next step for mathematics on Earth. When this
particular glyph becomes of collective knowledge, current
mathematics will seem obsolete or primitive, like the
difference between a stone axe and the laser.
Qiuayon soen tra soen nas tra ka mix na ke te son tra laixwa mei ix nika. This is the ancient
mantra for the activation of this process. In ancient history there were bearers of both the
Mayan and Egyptian tradition that prepared the planetary essence to receive this
evolutional leap. The crystalline codes were implanted in sacred sites and will be reactivated by
those of you who bear the appropriate DNA codes to complete those ancient formulas and
receive the mathematical formulas created in the collective mind. Those who will be part of
this cosmic mission have already been reincarnated to activate this process.
The geometric writing exists, but the human being in general still can not understand it. In
ancient times the peoples mastered it; for example, the Mayans could understand it and
they applied this knowledge on the planning of their constructions when they built their
ceremonial centers and they also applied it on their architecture. They knew that energy
moves in geometric shapes using its perfect proportions.
The Greeks knew that geometry was important to understand the mysteries of life, but it
was the Mayans the first ones to include it in their culture to live it everyday. The Christians
speak of God, but they do not relate him to the geometric shapes. In the Mayan culture God
and science are related to the geometric shapes; for example, the circle and the square are
the symbol of Hunab K'u who is the Mayan God. The circle represents the movement and
the square the measurement. 'The Giver of Movement and Measurement' can be found in
these two crisscrossed geometric shapes; this is for the Mayas the Universal Creator...
On the initiatic work of magnetic activation we will carry out with the Crystal Skulls in the
Mayan temples we will use this same geometric shapes that appeared in England. In this
occasion, all the initiates and teachers will experience these geometric shapes applied to the
construction of the Mayan temples, but we will also have to live them cosmically. If we
observe the map that we will be using in this initiation, we will realize that the ceremonial
centers of the ancient Mayas were based on a geometric planning viewed from the space
just as it can be appreciated...
This map shows us that the Mayas built their ceremonial
centers using the macro-geometry. We the initiates will
use the micro-geometry when we perform our rituals to
later connect it with the macro-geometry. Well, then, who
will help us to expand this energy in order to achieve the
activation of the pyramids? Well, that will be the role of the
sacred crystal skulls because science has proved that
quartz is able to expand energy much more quickly that
human beings.
Let me tell you that this time the flowing energy will be
used only for the human beings' benefit. As we previously
said, the crystal skull and the human being form a single
unit. When we work with this energy in the Mayan pyramids,
then they will be activated and this energy will travel to the
8,000 ceremonial Mayan centers distributed in all the
countries of the Mayan world to later continue its flow
toward the other temples spread in the rest of the world...
The Crystal Skulls will work on the magnetic activation of
the pyramids and in a natural way they will make several
radiations of the cosmos to come to us. These radiations
will concentrate on the axis of all and each one of the
pyramids and of course in their center, too. The pyramids
are huge accumulators of electromagnetic energy that will
be activated by the crystal skulls together with the initiates
and teachers in the Mayan temples in order to seek the
human benefit. It is also important to send this energy
already activated to the center of each human being skull
so that he can raise his consciousness.
As a conclusion, we will quote an important fact related to the pyramids. It is worth
mentioning here the scientific theory that talks about the atomic excitation that takes place
in the Sun, the stars and the cosmic space. All these celestial bodies together produce a type
of constant light, without any temperature or shade that is able to penetrate all the existent
things. Well, when this cosmic excitation penetrates into the pyramidal constructions, it gets
organized and forms perfect geometric figures, giving birth in this to the cosmic geometric
We will do this work together in benefit of the natural laws, our Mother Earth, and all the
human beings. It will also help us to start a communication with our cosmic family. This
initiatic work will open the gate of the New Itza Age and the future generations will have a
better world to live in, a world with a new consciousness achieved through this magnetic
cosmic activation.
The Crystal Skulls are mnemonic tools of the Maya that recall the process of
crystallization of the human body to become inorganic, like a mineral. The
sacred waters of Tláloc are detailed in the codices and manuscripts of the
Maya as the means of celestial transcendance of the cycle of rebirth. The
ayurvedic Electrum colloid springwaters of Tlacote, Mexico and La Maná, Ecuador are prime
catalysts in the holistic transformation of human consciousness initiated at
the pyramids of the Maya, and indeed around the world in a mandala pattern
of sacred sites. Human Resonance is the awakening of Queztalcoatl, the
serpent of consciousness that has lain dormant in humanity. The sacred
initiatic site of Calakmul (18.10°N 89.81°W) is 7,316 miles or 29.39% of the Earth's circumference
from the Orion pyramids of Giza, Egypt.