

Piezoelectric Caves in the Huashan Hills, China

Caves of Mystery at Huashan

Shanghai Star
January 9, 2003

Is it simply a coincidence or do certain laws of nature lie behind the phenomenon? A new mystery has recently been uncovered on the 30 degrees Northern Latitude, following upon other great mysteries such as the pyramids, Noah's ark and the Bermuda Triangle.

The new finding on this mysterious latitude is to do with the ancient Mystical Caves at Huashan, near the famous Huangshan Mountain in China's Anhui Province. Although tests on chiselled stones showed that the caves have existed for at least 1,500 years, it was only about 15 months ago that they were first discovered by a local farmer, by accident.

The neatly chiselled walls and roofs, the big pillars and stone stairs, indicate that the caves were dug by men. Yet nobody knows for what purpose the ancient people excavated them. Not a single word about the caves has ever been found among China's numerous ancient records although their size has already ranked them as the biggest ever discovered so far in China.

Altogether, 36 caves have been found among the rolling Huashan hills, near the crystal-clear Xin'an River. Two of the caves are now open to visitors. The rest are still being cleaned of the mud that has accumulated inside. According to the excavation workers, there is a high possibility that the 36 caves may be connected to one another.

Huanxi cave, with a length of 140 metres and a size of 4,800 square metres, is one of the two now open to public. After a walk of 100 metres, you find a grand hall inside the cave, with pools, pillars and small rooms on each side.

A most mysterious discovery is the slope of the cave. The inclined plane of the walls has exactly the same slope as the outside hill. Yet according to the technology of that time, how could the ancient people have managed that?

Of all the 36 caves, the biggest is the Qingliang Cave, which is known as the "Underground Palace" due to its scale and magnificent layout. With a total length of 170 metres, the cave covers a space of 12,600 square metres. The original digging-out of the cave could have produced at least 50,000 cubic metres of stone.

Inside the cave there is a stone bridge above an underground river and with stone paths leading to different halls. A two-storey stone structure is nearby where visitors have a bird's eye view of the huge cave from a balcony. No food remains were found in the cave, nor any smoking or signs of fire. But without fire how could the ancient diggers have produced light in the cave? ...


The ancients produced UV light in this cave using resonant transfer hydrino plasmas, a free energy source recently rediscovered by Blacklight Power, Inc. The piezoelectric quartz content of the sandstone are used to resonate the calcite biomineralizations of the pineal gland, inducing a hemispheric synchronization in the brain. Very similar caves found in La Maná, Ecuador yielded a trove of UV fluorescent artifacts which, like the complete absence of soot, can only be understood in the context of advanced r-t plasma technologies.

The Huashan cavesites (30.1°N 118.2°E) are in prime geopositions along the resonant 30th North latitude with the Orion pyramids of the Giza plateau. As shown on the resonance map above, the Huashan hills are in precise alignment with a sacred circle of ancient sites, each equidistant from Angkor at the circle's center. The Huashan caves are 1,469 miles or 5.90% of the Earth's circumference distance from Angkor.

Other sites which share this 5.90% circle distance include the Xi'an pyramids (China), Bodh Gaya (India), Mt. Everest (Nepal), Yonaguni's submerged megaliths (Japan), as well as (Indonesia's) Bada Valley, Dieng, and Borobudur temples Pawon, Banon, Mendut, Ngawen, Canggal and Sukuh (see Appendix 2 for the calculations). This complete set of synchronous features reveals that the piezoelectric caves of Huashan were once bathed in the UV light of hydrogen plasmas that transduced infrasound focused along that latitude by the Orion pyramids.