Reflecting on his life's work, Nikola Tesla acknowledged his greatest discovery was made in Colorado Springs, as noted on a photograph of his field laboratory (below), "Experimental Station in another phase of development. Discovery of 'Stationary Waves' made July 3, 1899," and recorded in detail:
Observations made last night. They were such as not to be easily forgotten, for more than one reason. First of all a magnificent sight was afforded by the extraordinary display of lightening, no less than 10-12 thousand discharges being witnessed inside of two hours... An instrument (rotating "coherer") was connected to ground and a plate above ground, as in my plan of telegraphy, and a condenser was used to magnify the effects transmitted through the ground... As the storm receded the most interesting and valuable observation was made. It happened this way: the instrument was again adjusted so as to be more sensitive and to respond readily to any discharge which was seen or heard. It did so for a while, when it stopped. It was thought that the lightening was now too far and it may have been about 50 miles away. All of a sudden the instrument began to play, continuously increasing in strength, although the storm was moving away rapidly. After some time, the indications again ceased but half an hour later the instrument began to record again. When it once more ceased the adjustment was rendered more delicate, in fact very considerably so, still the instrument failed to respond, but half an hour or so it again began to play and now the spring was tightened on the relay very much and still it indicated the discharges. By this time the storm had moved away far out of sight. By readjusting the instrument and setting it again so as to be very sensitive, after some time it began to play periodically. The storm was now at a distance of greater than 200 miles at least. Later in the evening repeatedly the instrument played and ceased to play in intervals nearly of half an hour although most of the horizon was clear by that time.
This was a wonderful and most interesting experience from a scientific point of view. It showed clearly the existence of stationary waves, for how could the observations be otherwise explained? How can these waves be stationary unless reflected and where can they be reflected from unless from the point where they started? It would be difficult to believe that they were reflected from the opposite point of the Earth's surface, though it may be possible. But I rather think they are reflected from the point of the cloud where the conducting path began; in this case where the lightening struck the ground would be a nodal point. It is now certain that they can be produced with an oscillator. (This is of immense importance.)
The discovery of the stationary terrestrial waves... [indicates] that, despite its vast extent, the entire planet can be thrown into resonant vibration like a little tuning fork; that electrical oscillations suited to its physical properties and dimensions pass through it unimpeded, in strict obedience to a simple mathematical law, has proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Earth, considered as a channel for conveying electrical energy... is infinitely superior to a wire or cable, however well designed.
Tesla's Colorado Springs Notes recorded the complete engineering data for the construction of towers comprising a world wireless network broadcasting on low-frequency standing waves. The prototype Wardenclyffe Tower (above, right) was completed in Shoreham, Long Island in 1905, employing a water well to ground the tower to the water table far below. The project investment of JP Morgan was withdrawn upon reconsideration of the implications of the extreme efficiency of the apparatus in transmitting both energy and information, key commodities that Morgan could not afford to be cheaply available if he wanted to continue to profit from the war industry. In his fear of change Morgan aligned himself with the deceitful elements responsible for arson in Tesla's laboratory in 1895, the false attribution of the invention of radio to Marconi and the false announcement of a Nobel Prize.
Further subterfuge is exposed in an unpublished chapter of the O'Neill biography entitled 'Tesla Tries to Prevent World War Two'. O'Neill omitted crucial details from the final draft of his propaganda biography regarding the attempted theft of Tesla's 'Death Ray' plasma beam technology during a $30m negotiation with British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, who instead appeased the Nazis' false promises:
Tesla revealed that he had carried on negotiations with Prime Minister Chamberlain for the sale of his ray system to Great Britain for $30,000,000 on the basis of his presentation that the device would provide complete protection for the British Isles against any enemy approaching by sea or air, and would provide an offensive weapon to which there was no defense. He was convinced, he declared, of the sincerity of Mr. Chamberlain and his intent to adopt the device as it would have prevented the outbreak of the then threatening war, and would have made possible the continuation -under the duress which this weapon would have made possible- of the working agreement involving France, Germany and Britain to maintain the status quo in Europe. When Chamberlain failed, at the Munich conference, to retain this state of European equilibrium it was necessary to get rid of Chamberlain [who was replaced by Winston Churchill in 1940]...
Tesla was greatly disappointed by the collapse of his negotiations with the British Government. With it there collapsed his hopes of providing a demonstration of his most recent, and, what he considered, his most important discoveries. He did not, however, dwell on the subject; beyond the single conversation he did not mention the matter again. He did not get another chance to finance the demonstration of these discoveries.
During the period in which the negotiations were being carried on, Tesla declared, efforts had been made to steal the invention. His room had been entered and his papers examined but the thieves, or spies, left empty handed. There was no danger, he said, that his invention could be stolen for he had at no time committed any part of it to paper. He could trust his memory to preserve every fine detail of his investigations. This was true, he said, of all of his later major discoveries.
The nature of his system makes little difference now; he has gone and has taken it with him. Perhaps, if there is any communication from beyond the veil that separates this life from whatever exists hereafter, Tesla may look down upon Earth's struggling mortals and find some way of dropping a hint concerning what he accomplished; but, if the situation is such that this cannot take place, then we must await until the human race produces another Tesla.
Tesla's financial and legal interests were managed by George Scherff, Sr. (top of page, c.1952), whose administrative work included bookkeeping, legal filing for patents and extensive litigation regarding patent infringement cases. Many perils inevitably stalked the prolific inventor of over seven hundred revolutionary patents during the corporate and political espionage of the era of the World Wars. The Nazis were undoubtedly among those parties involved in the surveillance of his laboratories and discoveries, eager to apply his inventions to their obsession with the subversion of humanity. Herein may lay an explanation for why Tesla's wireless power transmission and standing wave technologies have taken over one hundred years to become available to the public. The financial control of Tesla's revolutionary ideas left him penniless in his old age, a manipulation so cleverly executed and obscured that it has only recently been exposed as the key component of a greater Nazi espionage operation.
In his youth, George Scherff had befriended Tesla and worked for him for the latter half of the inventor's life. When interviewed after Tesla's death, Scherff claimed that he began work for the scientist after the suspicious South Fifth Avenue laboratory fire of 1895, working full-time until 1905 and then one day per week thereafter. Biographer O'Neill's inquiries were effectively stonewalled: "Scherff, tight-lipped and businesslike, cannot be induced to talk of Tesla's affairs... [and] refuses to permit any close questions or discussion..." One George Scherff, Jr. corresponded with the FBI regarding his possession of sensitive Tesla papers as late as 1954, from a residence at 149 Seacord Road in New Rochelle, NY. That letter is the last available record of a George Scherff, Sr. or Jr. What ever happened to this father and son who shared the same name and frequented the most advanced laboratory in the world? Tesla's other close friends were quite vocal in their remembrance of the inventor, especially Kenneth Sweezey, and yet the world was deprived of the key insider perspective of Tesla's closest clerical assistant. Why?
Only one photograph in public circulation records the face of George Scherff, Sr. --at the Association of Radio Engineers banquet of 1915 (above). Tesla is seen standing tallest in the middle of the back row, while Scherff stands at the end of the same row to Tesla's left, his hands visible at his sides.
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