Mandala Formation at Overton Down, England
Overton Down Crop Formation Repeats the Prime Cross Resonance Formula
by Alex Putney for
July 18, 2011
Once again, we are blessed with another complex crop formation that was reported on July 18th at Overton Down, near Avebury Stone Circle in Wiltshire, England. This wonderful sacred cross pattern was rapidly inlaid into the field in the dark hours of the night by luminescent plasma orbs as a mnemonic message affecting the awakening of human consciousness.
The circle is divided in an axis-symetrical quadrupolar alignment, and surrounded by sets of three small circles, which reference the three frequencies of sound in Fibonacci ratio (ie. three pyramids) that generate nonlinear standing waves.
These geometric mandala patterns are being created throughout the world as a serially encoded fractal message reminding humanity of our ancient collective Vedic heritage of heartbeat synchronization by nonlinear alignment within the terrestrial field of infrasound standing wave resonance. We are being provided with the quantum formula for terrestrial infrasound resonance, which can only be decoded by plotting all of the crop circle locations onto a sphere, and 'cross-referencing' the geopositions with the locations of all ancient pyramids, temples and sacred sites.
This quantum quadratic distribution pattern is precisely why we see the adundance of crop circle events occurring in close proximity to ancient monuments and sacred sites, as in this case near Avebury megalithic stone circle. Other prominent examples geopositioning correlations between crop circles and ancient monuments include Silbury Hill, Stonehenge, Wayland Smithy burial chamber, Teotihuacan pyramid and the Tehama earthen mounds.
Just as in the previous month's mandala formation at nearby Westwoods (above), this Overton Down formation closely resembles the Prime Cross formula for Magnetic Resonance (compared above) that I first rendered three-dimensionally in 2004 while synthesising the work of various mathematicians and physicists, inlcuding P. Bourke, A. Jadzyck, Cervenka, et al., and Gugg, et al., among many others. The synchronous findings presented by these astute researchers provide the nonlinear mathematical framework for comprehending the message of the crop circle makers and the collective design purpose of the world's ancient piezoelectric stone monuments -as a resonant global heartbeat oscillator.
In studying this sacred symbol within the ancient cultural context, I had understood it as reflecting the global geometry of infrasound standing waves that are transduced by the axis-symmetric geometry of the Orion pyramids of Giza, Egypt. These standing wave maps have been carefully and explicitly preserved in many ancient cultural traditions, Kalachakra, the Circle of the Four-Quarters, Hunab K'u, the Celtic Cross, the Rose Cross, etc... This beautiful formation is a simplified 2-dimensional image in living grains that references a higher-dimensional structure of cosmic resonance - refered to among the ancient Sanskrit traditons as the seed syllable 'OM'.
Overton Down, England (51.439°N 1.824°W) is 2,245 miles from Giza, a distance that is 9.0% of the Earth's mean circumference (of 24,892 miles). The strategic geoposition of this formation matches that of Stonehenge, lying along the precise 9.0% distance where nonlinear standing waves converge at resonance. Another mandala crop formation that appeared in England in 2010, at Whitefield, presented the similar nonlinear octagonal formula [ zn+1 = zn2 ]:
This geometric formula previously appeared in the fields on Lurkley Hill, in Lockeridge, England, and then again in nearby Wayland-Smithy. It is a fractal equation closely related to the Mandelbrot Set, [ zn+1 = zn2 + c ]. First rendered by French mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot in 1980, this formula appeared in 1991 in the wheat fields of Ickleton, England.
The multitude of standing wave resonance maps presented throughout this site were rendered using these sacred formulas, which are keys to the nature of human consciousness and the changes culminating in the coming events of December 22, 2012. The revelation of the structure of the electron is but one in a series of profound discoveries that will altogether transform the human experience on this planet.
I had originally published the Prime Cross rendering in my first book Phi and on this homepage in 2006, and was republished by the Natural World Museum in Art in Action: Nature, Creativity and Our Collective Future (Earth Aware Editions, 2007, ISBN: 978-1-932771-77-0). Here is an excerpt of my 2006 writings on the subject of the Prime Cross (Phi, p. 128-130):
This octagonal cross was once called the Celtic Cross, the Rose Cross by the Copts (as engraved at the Temple of Philae and painted on ceramics, above), and is referred to by Native American tribes as the four-quartered hoop of the nation -a complex structure referenced by prime number geometries encoded in myriad artifacts from La Maná, Ecuador. In their collective presentation of the sacred order of primes, the deeper holographic application of the information comes into focus.
Prime numbers are defined as numbers that are only divisible by 1 (and by themselves). The organization of prime numbers within the series of whole numbers has been a mystery to modern mathematics until the work of Peter Plichta, a Düsseldorf chemist. In 1997 he put forth his theory of the structure of prime numbers being based on a cycle of 6, a product of the indivisible numbers 1, 2, and 3. While not the first mathematician to recognize the six-cycle of the sequence of primes, his work has extended this understanding to the role of prime numbers in all of the structures underlying the physical universe:
Apart from the numbers 2 and 3, all prime numbers occur in a cycle of 6. 6 n ±1 for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, .... For combination reasons this cycle produces a series of prime-number twins, [5, 7], [11, 13], [17, 19], 23, .... although with the number 25 we inevitably obtain the first square of a prime number from the function 6 n ±1 (the next composite number is the product of 5 x 7 = 35), which is not prime. The reason why the number six plays such an elementary role in the complex of whole numbers is that the numbers 1, 2 and 3 are indivisible. As a result, the complete number 6 must be surrounded by the expression: 6 - 1 = 5 and 6 + 1 = 7...
Plichta's search for the significance of prime numbers extends to the essential structures of nuclear chemistry and biochemistry, specifically that of atoms and the periodic table of elements, as well as the amino acids and the DNA helix. The six-cycle structure of prime numbers can be visualized as a symmetric octagonal cross, with seven concentric circles divided into 24 radial points (above). Being a universal constant, Plichta observes that "the 'Prime Number Cross' is not a human invention. It is in fact a model of the construction plan with which infinity was made finite in the structure of the atoms."
This same model has also been derived by the quantum mechanical algorithms of theoretical physicist Arkadiusz Jadczyk in a more complex rendering known as the Octagonal Quantum Iterated Function (QIF) (above, inset). The Prime Number Cross and the Octagonal QIF are synchronous patterns reflecting the structure of resonance inherent to atomic, molecular, planetary, solar and galactic structures.