Piezoelectric Fire in South Benfleet, England
Mystery surrounding car wing mirror alight in South Benfleet
by Echo News
December 12, 2011
Firefighters were called to South Benfleet following reports of a car wing mirror alight.
A passer-by raised the alarm at around 1am this morning, December 12.
Andy Bicknell, of Rayleigh Weir fire crew, said: "We spoke to the owner and he confirmed that there was no electricity going to the mirror, so it is a bit of mystery."
The Mercedes van, parked outside the owners home in Watlington Road, sustained damage to part of its roof.
This unexplained fire in South Benfleet is one of many such unusual recurring fires that are connected with anomalous electrical surges and piezoelectric fires that are now being caused all over the world by an unrecognized force: ultra-low frequency sound, far below the audible level of most humans.
This infrasonic influence is building strong electrical currents in the metal objects like wheel-barrows, door-knockers and copper electrical wiring in the walls of homes, which then become hot enough to ignite the plastic sheathing surrounding the wires. In other cases, heated wires ignite bed mattresses and metal hangers ignite clothing.
The infrasound which is now being focused onto the South Benfleet, England vicinity is being transduced by the Orion pyramids of present-day Giza, Egypt, which act as a nonlinear lensing system for resonantly balancing the geomagnetic fields of Earth as stimulated by coronal mass ejections from the increasing solar activity.
South Benfleet, England (51.54°N 0.57°E) is 2,159 miles from Giza, or 8.7% of the Earth's mean circumference distance (of 24,892 miles). Recent events occurring at other locations in England that are positioned along this same resonant distance from the Great Pyramid include piezoelectric fires in Basingstoke, Peterborough, Waterford, London, Surrey, Steeple, Egham and Wisbech.
The many ancient megalithic temples of the area, including such well visited sites as Stonehenge, Avebury Circle and Silbury Hill are also precisely situated along this sacred 9.0% radial distance. And, of course, this region is very well known for the multitudes of mandala crop formations that grace the regional seasonally, bring thousands of tourists annually.
The mathematical relationship of South Benfleet within the global pyramid network reveals the invisible quantum connections linking such anomalous events related to solar activity. This pattern of intense solar flares and the resulting infrasound fires at focal points around the planet will culminate in the intense auroral events of December 22, 2012.
Other widely reported examples of such extreme manifestations of this resonance are now simultaneously occurring in Tenerife, Freetown, Babura, Abuja, Bauchi, Jos, Omukondo, Onakaheke, Tsholotsho, Lalapansi, Goodhope, Nairobi, Mpumalanga, Mapuve, Bodibe, Bloemfontein, Hopewell, Cape Town, Tshiozwi, Landovica, Galway, Longford, Glasgow, Dublin, Crewe, Coventry, Hull, Messina, Peschici, Berici, across northern Greece, Ratria, Kakori, Mumbai, Kolkata, Charajpura, Thiruvananthapuram, Kishtwar, Gangyal, Rangrik, Kota Baru, Kuala Lumpur, Santo Tomas, Bandar Seri Begawan, New Norcia, Darwin, Rockhampton, Adelaide, Brisbane, Eaglehawk, Sydney, Georgetown, La Pampa, Melipilla, Nelson, and in the US in Seattle, Corvallis, Soudan SP, Minneapolis, New Ulm, Pueblo, Waxahachie, Anderson, Bluffton, Georgetown, Gautier, Crestview, Homosassa, San Mateo, Vallejo, San Francisco, Clovis, Calaveras, Haverhill, Peabody, Brentwood and New York City.